As I close off this blog, I will first answer the following questions:
5 things that I have learnt of this Semester are
- How to answer and explore questions that might not have a straight answer e.g. a frequent question I answer is How can you use this in school and which subject. This makes me think more and I really enjoyed that because it expanded my thinking.
- How to follow a deadline promptly from week to week because each post had to be due the following week and that helped me stay organised throughout the semester (also so I didn't get a detention!). This has helped me with my time management.
- How to find different solutions to problems for the various websites that I used. These include when I couldn't open or save my work from the website I would ask a friend, ask google or try different types of ways to fix the problem, this also helped me expand my problem solving thinking.
- How to use time wisely during class even if the work was boring or not working. This happened to me in week one when blogger wouldn't open because there was to many people on the server, instead I started answering the various questions that we had to do about Blogger which include What problems did you face using this website and how did you overcome it? and What is the website about? This dilemma helped me understand that I could do other things with the time given instead of procrastinating.
- That not everything will go to plan and I have to be patient with google and not threaten to send them a mean and threatening email. The internet is the internet and some times it has a mental breakdown like teenage girls, though I have to be patient because it will get better and start working. This happened in the first week with blogger when it wouldn't work (like I said previously). this helped me understand that I need to be COOL, CALM and COLLECTED when it comes to the internet and google.
The activity that I liked the most was finding the weirdest thing on the internet (see August- The weirdest thing I found on the internet) because it was fun to find and to write about because it was quirky and weird. It got a lot of my class mates laughing when they saw the video and my post. Another website that I loved was Cite This For Me because it makes writing bibliographies for any and every subject easy (see September- Cite This For Me). I enjoyed most of the websites that I used and would use them again, though these are my top two.
The thing that I have found challenging but have achieved is to stay on a deadline and hand my work into class every week on time without getting a detention. This was hard for me because sometimes I forgot about the work and left it to the second last to last day before it was due. Other times it was in the back of my mind though I had bigger assignments, tests and homework to do before the IT was due, this pushed me a lot and will help me in VCE when I have exams and SAC's on. This will help me stay organised and detention free in my later years.
Somethings that I would change in the future of Year 8 IT is to use more applications on the iPad etc. because at my school year 7 and up will have iPads. There is not much I would change about the curriculum for Year 8 IT, I highly enjoyed it.
Again, some other apps or websites I would of liked to use were mainly on the iPad. They include SEEK- teaching us how to apply for jobs and send in resumes, which brings me to websites that help you make a resume. I enjoyed all the websites and application that I used over the past semester.
I hope my blog has helped you with the internet and has given you some pros and cons about each website that I have used, this has been a great learning experience for me and I hope you've enjoyed it.
Thankyou for reading my blog
xx Izzi